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CAF (family allowance office) : within the context of the PSAL (prestation sociale animation locale - social benefits for local activities) since 2002, but also through contribution subsidies (to make the place self-sufficient : water and electricity joining).


Le Conseil Régional (regional council) : within the context of the plan "Emploi Tremplin" ("springboard job"). This plan enabled the association to employ a full-time employee for the coordination of actions. The regional financial contribution is degressive over 4 years, until July 2009. It covers a part of the wage expenses and of the charges. Also within the context of subsidies of contribution and training assistance.


La municipalité de Saint Sever Calvados (town council of Saint Sever Calvados) : within the framework of running subsidies as well as within the framework of the lending of premices for school tutoring.


L’Intercom Séverine (intermunicipal links of Saint Sever) : withing the context of general subsidies for the project.